Los 2381
Constantine I, 307/310-337. Follis (Bronze, 19 mm, 2.54 g, 12 h), Constantinopolis, 328. CONSTANTI-NVS MAX AVG Diademed head of Constantine I to right, his eyes raised to heaven. Rev. CONSTANTINI-ANA DAFNE / CONS Victory seated left on decorated cippus, head turned right, holding laurel branch in her right hand and palm frond in her left; at her feet, shield; to left, trophy; before, captive kneeling left, head turned right; in field to left, B. RIC 32. Attractive earthen highlights on a dark patina, and with an exceptional diadem. Faint scratches on the obverse, otherwise, nearly very fine.

From the collection of Dr. L. Ramskold, Leu Web Auction 26, 8-13 July 2023, 5423, ex Roma E-Auction 35, 3 May 2017, 1064.

Of all the coins recorded by Ramskold from the 'DAFNE' emissions, this example shows the widest diadem of all. Rectangular plates with a large central jewel and smaller stones along the margin alternate with double stylized laurel leaves. This diadem is one of the extremes that the mint of Constantinople experimented with in this final emission before the introduction of the rosette diadem proper.
25 CHF
40 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 25-Feb-24, 20:17:30 CET
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